In Process, Submerged, Robotic, Ultrasonic Tank bottom Scanning
Robotic mobilization
Robotic vehicle
Local assembly, Abqaiq
Robotic mobilization
Control room
Modular Main Controller
Customized In-Process Robotic UT Inspection Systems
Our robotic system operates with 8 or more transducers , mounted under the vehicle, performing Ultrasonic scanning of the tank floor.
It measures: Corrosion on both sides of the plates, thickness of the plates, anomalies.
With our EX rated observation platform we inspect the roof, the structure and look for any obstructions or anomalies prior to launching the robot.
With EVA, the obtained in-tank pinpointed locational data and observations provide the pertinent information to report on the Tank- management, -condition and -forecasting.
No Tank shut down
Our Robotic Systems are designed from the bottom up and Customized to your requirements.
This will save you money and provide for a highly effective system
The vehicle manufacturing will take place at our CNC Machine shop with the option of manufacturing parts locally, to incentify local content and further control cost.
The assembly, education, testing and mobilization are all done locally
We also provide assistance with protocols, procedures and technical
Typical robotic equipment
- 8 ultrasonic transducers for accurate thickness & Corrosion readings
- 2 cameras for visual inspections, One being PTZ
- 2 LED lights with extreme brightness
- Imagine Sonar to visualize obstacles and measure distances
- Navigation system to pinpoint data to locations
- A submersible pump to remove sludge or sediments.
- 4-wheel-drive system to maneuver across rough terrains
- 380 feet umbilical with loom to protect the umbilical
- Robotic launch and recovery system
- Controller
Sludge removal.
Our robotic system come with a submersible pump, capable of removing up to 2 inch sized solids and sludge
Here too, we can customize this set up
Purge Control System
Please check out our Purge Control System, allowing for operations in hydrocarbons with specific flashpoints
Intrinsically safe observation systems
Sump pit inspection, Ship hulls, Vapor Spaces